Saturday, May 5, 2012

Lucky Charms

Lucky Charms Cereal: I read somewhere that if you were one of those parents who restricted what cereal your children could eat* because you didn't want them eating a bowl full of sugar that Lucky Charms was the best of the bad for you cereals.  Said differently, that while Lucky Charms is definitely what my mom would call a "sugar cereal"**, it's actually not that bad for you.  In fact, comparing it to some cereals that are considered "healthy", I found that Lucky Charms is often the winner.  Which is good because Lucky Charms is downright tasty stuff.  Obviously it has a huge plus in that it has marshmallows in it.  While I'm off topic (because I now am), I don't really know why they call the things in cereal marshmallows. They have no real similarities to actual marshmallows other than they are both made up of mostly sugar.  Actual marshmallows are smooshy and chewy.  Cereal marshmallows are hard and crumbly.  Lucky Charms' marshmallows come in a variety of colors and shapes and while it used to be a childhood badge of honor to be able to name them all, memorizing them now would be an exercise in futility, as they seem to change them every other week.  The grain part of Lucky Charms is pretty good too and there is a good ratio of marshmallows to non-marshmallow pieces.  One thing I don't like about Lucky Charms is how it changes the milk in your bowl to a pinkish, sugary milk.  About half the time I forgo this and just dump it out.  Finally, from time to time companies will come out with new products that are just a part of their old product and try to use that to break into a new market.  Often this is in the baking aisle.  For instance Reese's has peanut butter chips and M&M's has mini-baking pieces.  I think they should start selling the Lucky Charms marshmallows separately.  I bet you could make some awesome desserts.  Rice Crispy treats with Lucky Charms marshmallows?  Yes, please!  Of course, alternately you could just eat the whole bag by itself.  With or without the milk.

Lucky Charms: A-

* - Then you must be communist.
** - As is that was somehow a bad thing.


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