Arby's Buffalo Chicken Sandwich:
Arby's has a buffalo chicken sandwich and I have a quest to find the best spicy chicken sandwich in the world. [1] Thus there was nothing I could do except head out to the land of America's Roast Beef [2] and not order roast beef.
When I was young, McDonald's had a McChicken Sandwich that I loved. [3] This was before they offered Chicken McNuggets. [4] The patty on the sandwich was coated in the same goodness that the McNugget would later get. In fact if you took the McNugget that is generally round shaped [5] and increased its size and thickness proportionately until it was bun sized you would pretty much have it exactly. You had to be very careful when you ate it because if it had just come out of the fryer [6] you were very likely to burn the ever-lovin' out of your tongue or to scald off the roof of your mouth. [7]
Though Arby's chicken sandwiches [8] as shown on the posters in the store look all bumpy and textured so as to make you think they might have actually come straight off some chicken's breast, the one I got was as flat as a pancake and bore a more than striking resemblance to that old McChicken patty.
Somewhere behind the counter they must have a vat of buffalo sauce and when you order the sandwich they much drop your selection in said vat and let it swim around for a minute or two. Which is just a really wordy way of saying that the patty on my sandwich was drenched and dripping in buffalo sauce. Something, that when I initially saw it, I thought was a good thing.
The bun was different than Arby's usual bun, but if there was a taste difference to it, I couldn't tell you about it. [9] There was also the obligatory smattering of shredded lettuce and some kind of white sauce. The website says it is: "Parmesan Peppercorn Ranch Sauce". I do remember there being one bite where for the briefest of moments I tasted something other than buffalo sauce, but the memory, like the flavor, is fleeting.
Honestly the whole thing tasted just fine. It wasn't that spicy, but if you like buffalo sauce [10] this sandwich has it in spades. Which is really where the problem lies.
My original intention was to eat the sandwich as I drove to my next destination. I had purchased my food inside [11] and I'd opened the carton on my lap in preparation of heading on. I was preparing to take my first bite before putting the car in reverse when the literal slipperiness of the situation became evident.
Remember, we have a flat as a pancake chicken patty slathered in an ocean of buffalo sauce with only a few shreds of lettuce and tiny dollop of white sauce to slow it down. [12]
In one bite my hand's (both of 'em) were covered in sauce. That's because you have to use both hands to keep the patty from escaping the bun. Take one hand off to get a napkin and that sucker is out of there like a greased pig flinging lettuce shreds as it moves. [13]
When I finished, there was enough sauce in the carton that I could have covered my potato cakes in them as well. [14] It took two napkins and two baby wipes to get my hands close to clean.
This is not a sandwich to be eaten in a moving vehicle.
In the end it's too messy and not spicy enough for me to ever care to order it again. [15]
Arby's Buffalo Chicken Sandwich: B-
[1] - You can read about it here.
[2] - Yes, Sir!
[3] - Yes, I know that they still have a McChicken sandwich, but the thing has gone through so many incarnations and reinventions that they are probably on the McChicken Mark XXII at this point.
[4] - There's a story that goes with this, but while this is the place, this isn't the time.
[5] - You were aware that all McNuggets come in one of three shapes weren't you?
[6] - Oh yes, it was cooked in the same grease as the french fries. I told you it was good, didn't I?
[7] - You might be wondering what all this has to do with Arby's. I'll get there. I promise.
[8] - See, told you I'd get there.
[9] - A lake of buffalo sauce defeats the subtle nuances of bread variations.
[10] - And if you don't, then why in the world did you order this sandwich?
[11] - The line at the drive through was ridiculously long. Also the planet appreciates it when you turn the car off instead of idling.
[12] - I've never seen a buffalo sauce Slip 'n Slide, but I'm pretty sure I know exactly what it would look like.
[13] - This analogy has gotten a bit weird.
[14] - If I hadn't already eaten them first. What? Did you think I was a savage?
[15] - Chick-Fil-A's Spicy Chicken Sandwich still reigns supreme.