Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Oreo The Most Stuf

Oreo The Most Stuf:

I had heard that these were coming out a several months ago and was intrigued.  The Boys love them some Oreos [1].  The Bish in particular loves the creme.  There has been more than one occasion in which I've entered the kitchen to find six slightly damp outer cookies from an Oreo licked clean of all traces of their insides laying abandoned on the table.

So when I was at Target the other day and I saw the Most Stuf's at the end of the register, I figured I owed it to them [2] to buy a pack.

When I got home as I unbagged my loot, Jude was close by.  He was immediately as intrigued as I was, so I knew I'd made the right decision.  We opened the package and each tried one.

If you haven't seen these yet, they are just your standard Oreo crammed with an extreme amount of filling.  If you look at them, you can see the individual levels of creme from several cookies laid on top of each other.  Some of them look pretty clearly like they have three levels of creme.  Though others look like they must have four.

Your standard Oreo has about 53 calories per cookie.
A Double Stuft cookie has about 70.
The Most Stuf have 110 calories per cookie.

If you wondered if you could ever have too much Oreo creme in your cookie, the answer is a definitive 'yes'.

Most of the creme ends up gooshing [3] out from between the outer cookies.  Not that it matters, because you can't really taste the cookie part at all.  It's just a lot of creme.


Not terribly long later I was sitting at my computer and I noticed that my teeth hurt.  Yes, that's right, the Most Stuf cookies made my teeth hurt.  I'm not sure if that means they are too much or I've gotten old [4], but I do know that I won't be eating another one. [5]

For what it's worth, Jude declined to have a second one.

When the Bish saw the package he laughed out loud in glee [6].  I'm sure if I let him he would plow through the whole package in one sitting.   Limiting him to two at a time, he's still managed to polish off over half the package so far. [7]

Oreo The Most Stuf: C

[1] - But then again Oreo is the best selling cookie in the world, so we could probably take that as a given.
[2] - I swear I did it for them alone.
[3] - Technical industry term.
[4] - That's a lie, I'm totally sure that they are too much.
[5] - By which I mean a third one, because I totally ate two the first time.  Science.
[6] - And I mean that literally.  He actually laughed out loud in glee.
[7] - Don't judge, he's got baby teeth.  They're going to fall out anyway.